Saturday, February 21, 2009

Cutting the Knife

Recently, I had to seperate myself from one of my closest friends. We have known each other for forever. We used to live right next to each other and we shared our deep thoughts and secrets with each other.It was really painful for me to seperate myself but I knew that I had to let go, he was not the best friend I once knew and could trust. As I went through this time, I did a lot of thinking, writing, and reading. Multiple times I wanted to call my old friend and talk to him, but I knew I shouldn't. At moments I felt alone and it reminded me of the struggles we go through when trying to stop sinning. We know that cutting off our sin would be the best thing for us, but we allow ourselves to fall into temptation. It is a hard and long cycle of repenting and sinning that some people just give up and live in their sin. In 2 kings 17:13 the Lord warns Israel and Judah to turn from their evil ways. We are warned to run from sin, or to avoid situations that you know will tempt you to sin. Sin will cut you sooner or later. You cannot listen to people swear if you are struggling with swearing. Sometimes you have to cut off the sin that is cutting you. God doesn't command for us to turn from sin because he doesn't want us to have any fun, he knows sin will hurt you and he warns you to save you from the pain. When your mom tells you to study for school, so you can graduate on time and get into a college, she’s not trying to suck the fun out of your youth, she wants you to be successful in the future. But it is still up to you to study and work hard in order for you to be successful. You can have the fun now, but it wont be fun when you have to have summer school or stay back a year. This is how God is with sin. He wants you to be closer to him and he wants you to be happy, but if you decide to do whatever you want your sin will come in between you and God and even though its fun for the time being, it wont be fun later on. Sin is an emotion hang over. You drink way too much and then you have to deal with the hang over afterwards. But next weekend you do the same thing and when the hang over comes around you regret drinking as much as you did. Your human self wants the pleasure of sin while your spirit telling you to lean on God. Cut the knife, before it cuts you any deeper. Lean on God and ask him to help you.

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