Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Don't tarnish their name for your own sake

"Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit." --Proverbs 18:21
reminds me of smoking. Its always the "cool" thing to do, it always feels good to take someone and verbally stick them in the trash for a bit. If you're really cool, you know how to make the crap you say about people funny so everyone listening laughs. I'm sad to say that just like smoking, gossip slowly destroys you and everyone around you. It not only tarnishes the person you're talking about's name, it also tarnishes your own. Although you'd like to think you are cool for rudely mocking that person, you just make yourself look pathetic and self conscious. A confident person doesn't need to prove to everyone that they are better than them. They are happy with who God has/is making them. Also as much as we'd like to think the words we're spreading wont get to that person, they always do.
"For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open." --Luke 8:17
Gossip doesn't only ruin friendships, it also ruins your character and that person emotionally. I don't care who you are, no one enjoys being blatantly mocked. I have too often watched and participated in tearing someone in the church apart, simply because it was "funny". Have we as a church missed what God is all about? God is about loving others (Including our enemies) and love is about lifting one another up, not ripping each other down to make ourselves feel better. How amazing would it be if we instead of hurting one another, started to encourage and love! Can we please start a chain reaction of encouragement and love? I continually pray that God will convict me about these things, so that I may leave a trail and legacy of love where ever I go.


  1. I apologize if this post seems a bit "aggressive". Its an issue that has been running free for far too long and watching it happen (especially in the church)breaks my heart. I have been the mocker and I have been the mocked, but now I am determined to be apart of the cure.

  2. Amen, Jolene!
    Sometimes I've been part of a conversation that just doesn't seem right and yet laugh and comment along with the rest of them. Afterward when I have thought about it I usually end up telling myself that we weren't talking bad about them... just commenting ABOUT them.

    I think it is so easy to forget the Proverbs (at least it is for me): "Hatred stirs up strife, But love covers all sins." and "He who covers a transgression seeks love, But he who repeats a matter separates friends." I've heard other messages on gossip, but this really struck home for me. Thanks so much for the encouragement.
