Thursday, May 7, 2009

Its been a while

Hi! I deeply apologize for the lack of posts in the last month. Believe me, I have not forgotten the blog! God has been doing some amazing things! On April 16th-18th, my church hosted its 3rd youth conference, called Awakening Conference. I had the unbelievable opportunity to be an intern for the event. The conference was anointed! The fellowship, worship, and speakers really blessed, motivated, and encouraged me in so many ways. But the greatest part of Awakening, was that God gave me a role to play and that He used me to help touch the hearts of this regions youth! I look back in amazement. God could have picked anyone, someone that was even better equipped, but he didn't. He chose ME! Looking through the Bible, it is so obvious that God doesn't always choose, the best applicant for the job. So many times in the Bible he chose the "unimportant" and "weak". David was the youngest in his family, he couldn't even fight in the battle, he had to stay home and care for the sheep! But David knew he had God's anointing and that God had called him to do more than be a shepherd boy. David was willing to stand in the authority that he had been given. David defeating Goliath was only the beginning. He moved on to be the King and fight many battles with victory! When David was sent that day to check on his brothers, I really doubt he was expecting to defeat a unbeatable enemy, but God knew what He was doing. If you are willing to be used, God will use you no matter what. God has called us to be more, do more. Are we willing to answer Him?

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