Friday, December 11, 2009

Organic Love

One Sunday at church, we had jut finished a great service. After service the anointing of God fell upon worship. Looking back on it I can truly say it was beautiful, but at the time I didn't think so. I wasn't in the "mood". I was exhausted and hungry, although the message was great, I was ready to go home. After a few minutes of complaining in my head, I noticed a girl slightly older than me walk up to the alter. She barely made it there when she broke down, tears streaming down her face and her hands lifted high. At that moment I felt so ashamed that I had been so self centered that I wanted church to end because I was tired, that I didn't even think about the people around me. It didn't even cross my mind that someone is broken and needing a touch from God. I almost broke down, repenting of my own self conceit. Instantly my attitude changed. Instead of being about me, it became about people. I began to pray for everyone in the building, that God would speak to them and touch their lives. Once I stopped focusing on me, I felt God's presence. It is so sad how often we do this and don't even realize it. It kills me to think of how many lives God could have touched with a simple gesture, conversation, or prayer if I was willing to get the mirror out of my face long enough to notice and do something. I pray for an organic love; a love for others like Christ's love for us.

"This is how we know what love is; Jesus christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers." --1John 3:16

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