Wednesday, August 12, 2009


If you couldn't tell by my last few blogs. I've had trusting in God on my mind a lot. I don't think I can say this enough, God can do some amazingly sick stuff, if you stop being the obnoxious backseat driver and wait on his time and guidance. For about 3 years now, my heart has wanted a small puppy. If you know my dad, you know that dream was a dream that would never be possible. He refused to even consider letting a dog live in the house. I prayed for a puppy everytime I remembered to. Anywho, about 3 weeks ago I was sitting down talking with my dad when out of the blue he says, "Jolene..If you really want a small dog and it wont cost too much. I'll let you get one" My mom & I just looked at each other in shock. Was this the same man that used to say he would never again allow another dog to live in this house?? Too nervous that he would change his mind if he thought about it, I didn't dare ask what made him change his mind abruptly. I anxiously began the search for the right dog, I knew just what I wanted. After seeing a few dogs that just didn't feel quite right, my friend recommended that I try In one of the ads I found him, an absolutely handsome 9 week Lhasa Apso puppy. I immediately sent a message showing strong interest in coming to see him. Next morning I received my reply, "Hello Jolene, thanks for your response. Within the first five min. I did get a request to meet Max. She's schedule to come and see him this afternoon. If she does not show I promise I will email you." My heart sank, I had looked for other Lhasa Apsos, but there were none even close to us and not nearly as cute. I told my mom about the situation and we prayed that if God wanted this dog to join our family that he would make a way and have the lady cancel her visit. Next day came and we still hadn't heard back from her, so we assumed it wasn't meant to be & that the lady had taken him. We were mistaken. The day after, I checked my e-mail and the owner sent us an e-mail stating that because of a family emergency that the lady interested in Mas would not be taking him and that if we were still interested to give her a call. My mom & I were once again, in amazement! We quickly called my dad & told him what happened. Soon after we agreed to go see the puppy the next day. To make the story kind of shorter. We immediately fell in love with him. His previous owners were so nice and really cared for him. Everything just moved along so smoothly, there wasn't a doubt in our minds that we should wait to see what other puppies become available. He was the one for us.

Meiko (we renamed him) is now a constant reminder that God cares soo much about our dreams and lives. He even cares about the things that we would consider the not so important dreams. Meiko is a blessing and a lesson bundled up into one fluffy, adorable package.If God cares enough to put all these peices together so I could have my dream come true, how much more is he watching out for our futures! Haven't we learned that it is when WE get impatient and start doing exactly what we feel like doing that we get in to huge messes that we regret.

"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." --Psalms 46:10

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