Sunday, June 7, 2009

Are you satisfied?

"The critical question for our generation & for every generation is this: if you could have heaven with no sickness and with all the friends you ever had on earth and all the food you ever liked and all the leisure activities you ever enjoyed and all the natural beauties you ever saw and all the physical pleasures you ever tasted and no human conflict or any natural disasters could you be satisfied in heaven if Christ was not there? "--Jon Piper

Really think about it. If you really looked into your heart, what would your answer be? Honestly, a lot of times my answer would have been, yes and it kills me to know that. I don't want to be satisfied with anything, except God. I want my life to be His story, I don't want to know that if I could have heaven without Christ, that I would take it. I want to love him so much that he comes before everything in my life. I want an honest and real relationship with the one that loved me so much that he lived a perfect and blameless life and then died a death that I deserved.

In Matthew 22 an expert in the law asked Jesus, "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?"
Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'
This is the first and greatest commandment.

When you truly love God, you can't help but talk about him. You can't help but obey his commandments. You can't help but spend time with him. You can't help, but love what he loves.

If you could have a heaven with no sickness or death, with no pain or suffering, with all the friends you ever had and all the food you could ever eat, with every fun activity you ever enjoyed and with everyone in complete peace with one another. Would you be satisfied without Christ?

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