Friday, January 22, 2010


Life never seems to turn out the way we plan, I think thats what makes it worth living.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

To Save A Life

Hey everyone!
So friday I was online, about to get off when an advertisement for a movie caught my attention. It was for the movie To Save A Life, I've only seen the trailer, but it looks life changing good. It was produced by a church run production company in California called New Song Productions, but unlike most christian movies (at least the ones I've seen) this one looks to be big screen quality. I am hoping to take the entire groundZero greeting ministry to see it, this friday. If you are interested, the closest showing is in worcester, MA. Here is the movie website.
Hope to see a few of you out there on friday!

Why does it matter?

So lately, I've been noticing that a lot of people attack others and reject others for the stupidest reasons. Why do we so easily attack what we believe to be different? Who has the right to determine what is normal and what is strange? Why is it so hard for us to accept others if they aren't like us? Why should it be any easier talking to a person that wears business clothes than talking to someone who looks like he walked out of a rock concert? Does it really matter what genre of music they listen to, or what they wear, or what sports they play? Its like so many people categorize ourselves into groups. Jocks go left, and computer nerds go right, and rock music lovers go to the back corner...etc. Yeah its nice to have friends that share the same interests, but there is so much more to people than how they dress or what they like.
And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”--Matthew 22:37-40
God isn't saying love those who share the same common interests as you, hes saying love people. And chances are as you walk along this journey you're going to come by people that may not share the same opinion as you.
I wonder how much we could learn if we stopped talking to only the people that have the same point of view as us. I am so sick of people trying to squeeze me in to one single group, why does it matter if I jump from group to group? Why does there even need to be groups? What would happen if we befriended one another rather than lashed out on whichever group was "below" us. We so often raise "our groups" up at the expense of lowering and hurting others. Thats not love.
The other day I noticed some people mocking a few close friends of mine for what they chose to wear. How uncool is that? None of them took one second to get to know my friends, but they were completely comfortable lashing out and assuming they knew them enough to make blatantly rude accusations.
I wonder what would happen if we all stepped out of our groups to befriend someone we wouldn't normally hang out with, how much insight would we learn? Maybe the things that were so easy to mock, would make a little more sense to us. I wonder what would happen if we all took time to love rather than gossip and mock.
"Hate is easy, love takes courage."--Unknown

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit among yourselves as you follow Jesus Christ, so with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Accept one another just as Christ has accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.--Romans 15:5-7